Zinc and Copper Accumulation and Distribution in the Tissues of Nine Crops: Implications for Phytoremediation
A. Sękara, M. Poniedziałek, J. Ciura, E. Jędrszczyk
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Agricultural University in Kraków, Department of Vegetable Crops, 29 Listopada 54, 31-425 Kraków, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2005;14(6):829-835
Field experiments were carried out near Kraków (Poland), between 1999 and 2001, with nine crops (red beet, field pumpkin, chicory, common bean, barley, white cabbage, maize, alfalfa, common parsnip) to determine zinc and copper accumulation and their distribution in the plants' tissues. Based on the results, species suitable for phytoremediation were selected. Field pumpkin and red beet were characterized by the highest zinc accumulation, especially in the leaves (119.14 and 64.97 mg·kg-1 d. w. respectively). In the case of alfalfa, field pumpkin, and barley the maximum Cu content was found in the roots (35.81, 25.74, 15.92 mg·kg-1 d. w. respectively). The field pumpkin, chicory, and red beet were characterized by the highest zinc concentration ratios (shoots/roots): 2.8, 2.2, 2.0. Concentration ratios for copper were within the range: 0.1 (barley) - 1.4 (common parsnip).