Willow Biomass Energy Generation Efficiency
and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Potential
Mariusz J. Stolarski1, Michał Krzyżaniak1, Kazimierz Warmiński2,
Józef Tworkowski1, Stefan Szczukowski1
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1Department of Plant Breeding and Seed Production,
2Department of Environmental Toxicology,
Faculty of Environmental Management and Agriculture,
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Plac Lodzki 3, 10-724 Olsztyn, Poland
Submission date: 2015-06-24
Final revision date: 2015-09-08
Acceptance date: 2015-09-08
Publication date: 2015-11-27
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2015;24(6):2627-2640
This study evaluates the efficiency of energy generation from willow chips and analyses the potential to
reduce GHG emissions depending on the biomass transport distance to a conversion facility. The potential
amount of electrical energy ranged from 59.2 GJ·ha-1 to 136.8 GJ·ha-1 when produced using combustion and
co-combustion, respectively. The total energy in CHP generation ranged from 295.9 GJ·ha-1 to 321.8 GJ·ha-1
for gasification and co-combustion, respectively. It should be stressed that the largest amount of energy was
produced using combustion in a heat-only boiler station.
Total GHG emissions from willow chips production and transport of 25 km was 73.0 kgCO2 eq.·Mg-1
d.m. Increasing the transport distance to 50, 100, and 200 km resulted in the growth of GHG emissions by 6%,
17%, and 39%, respectively. The highest potential for reducing GHG emissions (62.5 MgCO2 eq.·ha-1) was
achieved in a heat-only boiler station with the shortest transport distance. The index was 3-11% lower when
energy was generated in CHP systems. The lowest potential for the reduction of GHG emissions was achieved
in biomass conversion to electrical energy in the combustion process.