Updating High-Resolution Emission Inventory to Unveil the Characteristics of Greenhouse Gases Emissions in Shandong Province, China
Ke Du 1
Wei Jiang 1,2
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School of Water Conservancy and Environment, University of Jinan, Jinan, China
College of Geography and Environment, Shandong Normal University, Jinan, China
Submission date: 2022-12-02
Final revision date: 2023-02-10
Acceptance date: 2023-03-07
Online publication date: 2023-04-21
Publication date: 2023-06-23
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Wei Jiang   

University of Jinan, School of Water Conservancy and Environment, 250000, Jinan, China
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2023;32(4):3081-3100
Since stating carbon peak goal, Shandong has garnered widespread concern over its large GHG emissions. Based on the latest emission factors and detailed activity data, a comprehensive highresolution GHG emission inventory of Shandong Province for 2020 was established by updating estimation methods and allocation profiles. The results indicated that the emissions of CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6 had reached 1233.46, 36.49, 45.79, 74.27, 6.21 and 0.56 Mt CO2eq, respectively. Specifically, CO2 emissions mainly originated from fossil fuel consumption (81.83%); the major sources of CH4 emissions were mining industries and agriculture, contributing 1.40% and 0.81% of the total GHG emissions, respectively; industry processes and product use discharged the largest amount of N2O (1.92%) and were responsible for all of the fluorinated greenhouse gas emissions. To obtain more accurate GHG emission information, GHG emissions were spatially allocated to grid cells with a resolution of 0.05°×0.05° according to appropriate surrogates and results showed that most of the emissions are concentrated over a small number of grid cells, specifically, 10% of grid cells accounts for 73% of GHG, 75% of CO2, 88% of CH4 and 40% of N2O emission. Spatially, the GHG emissions were mainly distributed in eastern and central cities of Shandong and decreased radially from urban centres to the surrounding areas.
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