Trends in Lead and Cadmium Content in Soils Adjacent to European Highway E30
Janusz Deska1, Antoni Bombik1, Anna Marciniuk-Kluska2, Katarzyna Rymuza1
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1Institute of Agronomy, University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce,
Prusa 12, 08-110 Siedlce, Poland
2Institute of Management and Marketing, University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce,
Żytnia 17/19, 08-110 Siedlce, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2011;20(2):317-325
Results of lead and cadmium contents in soil adjacent to European highway E30 in the East of Poland
were presented in the study. Soil samples were collected at three distances: 0, 50, and 100 m from the track,
and at two depths: 5-15 cm and 35-45 cm. Soil pH, content of silt and clay particles, organic matter content,
types of underlaying rock and land use methods were tested. The total contents of lead and cadmium were analyzed
by AAS method. Lead content ranged from 9.70 mg·kg-1 to 155.75 mg·kg-1 of dry matter (on average
103.38 mg·kg-1) in the strip directly adjacent to the roadside. The values were significantly larger than those from
further distances. The lead content in soils beyond the road strip did not exceed the limit value of 100 mg·kg-1
in soil used for farming purposes. The cadmium content, however, ranged from 0.016 to 0.909 mg·kg-1, and it
did not significantly depended on the distance from the road. The largest cadmium content, significantly different
from others, in soils located to the east of the industrial district of Siedlce was proved, but the content
did not exceed the limit of 1 mg·kg-1 in soil of agricultural area. The study was a part of complex research concerning
the environmental monitoring that was conducted by co-authors of the paper.