The Spatial Changes of Phytoseston
and Microbiological Parameters in Lowland
Rivers during the Summer Period
Beata Messyasz1, Ewa Szczuka2, Adam Kaznowski2, Lubomira Burchardt1
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1Department of Hydrobiology,
1Department of Microbiology,
Adam Mickiewicz University, Umultowska 89, 61-614 Poznań, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2010;19(6):1269-1277
The composition and distribution of the phytoseston communities and heterotrophic bacteria from the
Wełna and Nielba rivers before and behind the cross-rivers were analyzed from June to September 2007. In
both rivers the highest concentration of algae biomass were recorded in July and September, which was connected
with concentrating the periphytic and benthic species in phytoseston, during which the influence of the
increasing water level were transported into the lower part of rivers. Algae such as Gomphonema parvulum,
Tychonema granulatum, Cryptomonas ovata, Aulacoseira granulata, Cocconeis placentula, Monoraphidium
contortum, Planctolyngbya limnetica, Cyclotella radiosa, and Fragilaria ulna var. angustissima were the most
common species for all examined sites. Furthermore, the results indicate that at sites located along the Wełna
and Nielba rivers a trend of diatom increase in the biomass was observed behind the crossing. In this study we
found that diatoms and green algae dominated in the Nielba river, while cyanobacteria domination was typical
for the Wełna mainly before the crossing rivers. The analysis of the number of psychrophilic and
mesophilic bacteria indicated the greater number of bacteria in the Wełna river compared to the Nielba. We
think that the process of mixing waters of two rivers are responsible for the reduction in bacterial cell numbers
in the Wełna water.