The Relationship of Water Quality to Epipelic
Diatom Assemblages in Cebong Lake,
Dieng Indonesia
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School of Postgraduate Studies Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang Indonesia
Department Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang Indonesia
Center for Paleolimnology (CPalim), Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang Indonesia
Submission date: 2021-01-16
Final revision date: 2021-04-02
Acceptance date: 2021-05-13
Online publication date: 2021-11-23
Publication date: 2021-12-23
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2022;31(1):281-295
Indonesia has 147 volcanoes by which approximately 76 are active, including volcanoes in
Dieng plateau, Java. Dieng is surrounded by complex volcanic mountainous as the highest plateau
in Indonesia. The activity of the volcano affected the formation of lakes in the Dieng plateau, one of
them is Cebong Lake. Similar to other lakes in Dieng, Cebong Lake is an important resource for water
supply, ecotourism, and irrigation for potato plantation. The multiple drivers of physical parameters
of water quality interact across multiple scales affected the diversity of diatom. This study aimed to
determine the relationship between water quality and epipelic diatom assemblage in Cebong Lake.
The diatom samples were collected from the different sediment surface sites from Cebong Lake to
show a diatom distribution associated with physicochemical parameters of water quality. The sediment
sample was digested using hot HCL and H2O2 10% to remove organic material, mounted with Naphrax,
and identification/enumeration of diatom using a microscope under 1,000 magnification for at least
300 valvae were found. The surface epipelic diatom community was represented by 60 taxa belongs
to 27 genera. The diatom indices that represent >70% species from Cebong Lake were IDG, IPS, TDI,
IBD. Based on the diatom indices, Cebong Lake was in the b mesosaprobic status. This is supported by
the concentration of TN and TP that was in the mesotrophic status. Diatom assemblages from Cebong
lake were characterized by the presence of Achanthidium microcephalum, Brachysira brebissoni,
Aulacoseira tenella, and Denticula tenuis that were correlated with NH3. The occurrence of Staurosira
psedoconstruens was correlated to the turbidity, DO, and pH. Nitzchia palea was correlated with
temperature, while Achanthidium minutissimum, Staurosira construens, and Fragillaria tenera are
being closer to each other and were associated mainly with TP. Diatom species had specific tolerance to the environmental parameter and their response in species and communities level had indicated the
water quality of the lakes.