The Influence of Dust Emission From Copper Foundry "GŁOGÓW" on Heavy Metals Concentration in Agrocenoses
L. Pilc1, J. Rosada2, J. Siepak3
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1Institute of Experimental Biology, Poznan University, Fredry 10,
Poznan, Poland
2Plant Protection Institute, Miczurina 20, Poznan, Poland
3Department of Water and Soil Analysis, Poznan University, Drzymaly 24, Poznan, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 1999;8(2):107-110
Complex five-year studies were led on the pollution of agrocenoses affected by a copper foundry. Lead, copper, zinc and cadmium leavels were determined in the soil, water and plants by means of AAS. Samples were collected from two villages situated in the zone of western winds blowing most frequently in that region. The content of metals, particularly Cu and Pb, depended largely on the distance from the source of emission. The studies revealed that plant pollution was mainly caused by current dust emission and not only by concentration of metals in the soil.
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