The Impact of Abiotic and Biotic Factors on the Productivity of the Apple Cultivars (Malus domestica)
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Faculty of Agriculture & Veterinary, University of Pristina “Hasan Prishtina”, St. “George Bush”, 10000, Prishtine, Kosovo
Submission date: 2023-01-24
Final revision date: 2023-04-20
Acceptance date: 2023-04-21
Online publication date: 2023-05-16
Publication date: 2023-06-23
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Gezim Hodolli   

Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary, University of Pristina "Hasan Prishtina", Kosovo
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2023;32(4):3025-3031
This research paper presents the results of a field trial performed in the eight-year orchard with the apple cultivar (Malus doestica): ‘Fuji’, ‘William’s Pride’ and ‘Pink Lady’, on the rootstock M9. The experiment as a randomized block system included 18 apple trees (9 for each cultivar). Each plant was monitored and examined some bio-morphological parameters. At the same time monitoring and examining some abiotic factors (frozen, drought, hail wind) and biotic factors (pests, diseases, birds) through agrologic stations and sampling. By the results obtained we found that: abiotic factors we have identified drought damage caused by high temperatures and radiation, lack of rainfall and wind, while from biotic factors damage is caused by diseases, pests and birds. According to apple cultivars, the ‘Fuji’ cultivar suffered the greatest damage to productivity from two factors, abiotic (49.74% failure to achieve optimal fruit mass and 17% superficial burning of fruits) and biotic (56.24% birds, 9.93 scab and 4.33 others). ‘Pink Lady’ is damaged from biotic factor (43.17% failure to achieve optimal fruit mass and 36% superficial burning of fruits, 3.64% Cracking of fruits, and 1.64% fruit fall) whereas from biotic factors damage (19.2% birds, 23.8% scab, 10.07% codling moth and 4.8% apple sawfly). While ‘William’s Pride’ has suffered the least damage (36.68% failure to achieve optimal fruit mass and 4.66% other physical damage) and biotic factor (12.4% fruit rot, 9.4% powdery mildew, 5.4% birds, 29% codling moth, 2.7% apple sawfly).
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