The Impact and Mechanism of Rural Industrial
Integration Development on Agricultural Green
Total Factor Productivity
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School of Business, Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Techonology, Loudi 417000, China
School of Economic and Management ,Hunan Industry Polytechnic,Changsha 410205,China
Submission date: 2023-06-05
Final revision date: 2023-06-23
Acceptance date: 2023-06-29
Online publication date: 2023-09-01
Publication date: 2023-10-25
Corresponding author
Chen Chen
School of Business, Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Techonology, China
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2023;32(6):5373-5388
Realizing the green development of agriculture is an important foundation for the sustainable
development of the economy and society. In China, rural industrial integration is a major innovation
in the development of rural productivity in the new development stage, which is of great significance
for promoting the green development of agriculture and enhancing the green total factor productivity
of agriculture. Based on the panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2010 to 2021, the super-
SBM method was used to estimate agricultural green total factor productivity (AGTFP), and the
comprehensive index method and entropy method were used to measure the level of rural industrial
integration. Based on the spatial autoregressive model with a spatial autoregressive error term (SARAR
model), intermediary effect model and threshold effect model with a spatial autoregressive error term,
the influence and mechanism of rural industry integration on AGTFP were demonstrated. The results
show that (1) there is a significant positive relationship between the development level of rural industry
integration and AGTFP; that is, the development of rural industry integration can effectively promote
the improvement of AGTFP and promote the green development of agriculture. Considering the spatial
effect and endogeneity, the robustness test based on the generalized spatial two-stage least square
method (GS2SLS) further strengthens the above mentioned conclusion. (2) Rural industrial integration
has a significant scale effect, capital effect and technology effect; that is, rural industrial integration
mainly promotes AGTFP indirectly by promoting agricultural scale management, improving rural
human capital and promoting agricultural technological progress. (3) The influence of rural industry
convergence on AGTFP has the characteristics of a single threshold. With the improvement of the
integration level, the influence of rural industry convergence on AGTFP shows an increasing trend.
Therefore, China should strengthen the deeply integrated development of rural industries, promote
the appropriate scale operation of agriculture and the adjustment of planting structure, accelerate
the process of agricultural technology innovation and rural human capital accumulation, and realize the win-win situation of rural economic and ecological construction.