The Effect of Zn and Mn on the Toxicity of Cd
to the Green Microalga Desmodesmus armatus
Cultured at Ambient and Elevated (2%)
CO2 Concentrations
A. Baścik-Remisiewicz, E. Tomaszewska, K. Labuda, Z. Tukaj
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Department of Plant Physiology, University of Gdańsk,
Al. Marszałka J. Piłsudskiego 46, 81-378 Gdynia, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2009;18(5):775-780
A medium modified by 4-fold (Zn) or 2.5-fold (Mn) decreased/increased content of these metals did not
influence the growth of the green microalga Desmodesmus armatus cultured for 24 h at ambient and elevated
(2%) CO2, as compared with original BBM medium (Zn2+ = 2 mg/L, Mn2+ = 0.4 mg/L). The 4-fold increased
content of Zn in the medium markedly enhanced the toxicity of CdCl2 applied at a concentration (16.8 mg/L)
corresponding to EC50/24h. The 2.5-fold increase of Mn content reduced the inhibitory effect of Cd on the oxygen
evolution rate and FV/FM. At low CO2, Cd did not affect the oxygen evolution but markedly stimulated the
activity of carbonic anhydrase (CA). At elevated CO2, the rate of oxygen evolution was reduced by Cd, whereas
CA activity remained unaffected.