The Effect of Foliar Fertilizers on the Development
and Activity of Trichoderma spp.
J. Dłużniewska
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Department of Agricultural Environment Protection, Agricultural University in Kraków,
Al. Mickiewicza 21, 31-120 Kraków, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2008;17(6):869-874
Research was conducted on the effect of foliar fertilizers containing various macro and microelements
(N, Ca, K, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo and Zn) on mycelial growth, spore germination and antagonism of Trichoderma
isolates. It was found that foliar fertilizers cause changes in the development and antagonism of Trichoderma
spp. The kind of changes depends on the fungal isolate and fertilizer composition. T. harzianum isolate, in
which a decrease in spore germination index and considerable changes of mycelial growth and antagonism
rate were observed, proved the most sensitive to the chosen fertilizers. Among the selected fertilizers Mikrovit
Cu acted most unfavourably, since it most strongly inhibited mycelial growth and T. harzianum spore germination,
and diminished the antagonism of Trichoderma isolates towards B. cinerea and R. solani. It was found
that Mikrovit 1, potassium Alkalin and Wapnovit fertilizers significantly increased the growth rate of
T. harzianum mycelium. Germination of T. pseudokonigii and T. viride spores were most stimulated by
Mikrovit Mn, whereas Molibdenit inhibited this process in T. viride. Potassium Alkalin is a fertilizer which
favourably affects the antagonism of Trichoderma isolates towards B. cinerea and R. solani. On the other hand,
Mikrovit Mn and Mikrovit Cu preparations diminish biocontrol abilities in the analyzed Trichoderma isolates
toward pathogens.