Sorption and Transformation of Pyrantel Pamoate
by Synthetic Birnessite
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Ho Chi Minh City Open University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Université de Poitiers, Poitiers, France
Submission date: 2017-08-29
Final revision date: 2017-10-16
Acceptance date: 2017-10-16
Online publication date: 2018-04-15
Publication date: 2018-05-30
Corresponding author
Tran Thai Ha
Hochiminh Open University.
97 Vo Van Tan street, 3_rd district, Hochiminh city, Vietnam, 97, Vo Van Tan street, 3_rd district, 727005 Hochiminh city - Vietnam, Viet Nam
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2018;27(5):2041-2048
Pyrantel pamoate is a combination of pyrantel and pamoate used as a deworming agent for domesticated
animals. This study investigated the sorption and transformation of pyrantel pamoate by birnessite
(δ-MnO2) under different conditions. Pamoate was first oxidized into keto naphthalene derivatives by
manganese oxide. The pamoate degradation rate obeyed the second-order kinetic law, first order with
respect to MnO2 and first order with respect to pamoate. Pyrantel was not transformed by birnessite but
showed adsorption on birnessite only after 20 h of reaction time when pamoate was transformed into
products that could not participate in the solubilization of pamoate. The presence of natural organic
matter showed inhibition of pamoate transformation and reduced pyrantel adsorption probably by
competition for reactive sites and by enhancing water solubility of pyrantel. In soils and sediments,
manganese oxide can participate in the oxidation of pamoate and sorption of pyrantel.