Smallholder Farmers’ Perception on Ecological
Impacts of Agroforestry: Evidence from Northern
Irrigated Plain, Pakistan
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School of Economics and Management, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China
Department of Forest Conservation, Sampathpaya, P.O.Box 3, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka
Submission date: 2020-09-20
Final revision date: 2020-11-01
Acceptance date: 2020-11-10
Online publication date: 2021-04-08
Publication date: 2021-06-09
Corresponding author
Caihong Zhang
School of economics and management, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2021;30(4):2969-2979
Agroforestry (AF), a traditional land management system in Pakistan that provides great potential
both to boost agriculture and reduce wood shortages. Previous work has identified many complex
factors of AF covering socio-economic, and environmental impacts. Comparatively few have addressed
the perception of the impact of AF. This study investigates the farmer perception of ecological impact
derived from AF and the factors that influence their perception. The questionnaire was completed
by 200 farmers in Northern irrigated plain in Pakistan, and the resulting descriptive statistics and a
probit regression analysis were used to analyze the data. The results show that majority of farmers were
believed AF increases the greenery, understory regeneration, water retention, and soil fertility of the
farmland. In addition, the analysis shows that farmers’ perceptions of AF were positively correlated
with the native trees selected for cultivation. However, farmers who practice agrosilvopastoral system
had less knowledge and perception of the ecological benefits of AF. Moreover, the study found, even
though farmers plant exotic species they perceived that it had a negative impact on the water level
and soil fertility. On the other hand, lack of technical knowledge also affected their perceived status.
Therefore, designing and implementing informal education programs that collaborate with AF farmers
and officials is suggested.