Role of Fungi in Biodegradation of Petroleum
Hydrocarbons in Drill Waste
Teresa Steliga
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Oil and Gas Institute, Lubicz 25A, 31-503 Kraków, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2012;21(2):471-479
Petroleum substances are the main source of pollutants stored in old waste pits. They cause degradation
of biological life in the area of storage. The aim of this article is to present laboratory research on petroleum
pollutant biodegradation. The hydrocarbon contaminants in old drilling wastes came from the Graby-19 waste
pit. The tests included basic bioremediation and inoculation with a biopreparation based on non-pathogenic
species of bacteria and fungi, which were identified in molecular research. Multicriteria effectiveness estimation
of petroleum pollutant biodegradation in the tested wastes enabled determination of a role of fungi in this
process. Biopreparation enrichment was done in the final phase with non-pathogenic fungi isolated from the
waste during purification. As a result, an increase in long-chain n-alkanes and aromatic hydrocarbon (BTEX
and PAH) biodegradation was observed. Biodegradation rate constants for petroleum hydrocarbons, calculated
on the basis of a mathematical model, can serve as proof of fungi usage in the bioremediation process.