Research on Value Accounting and Realization Path of Eco-products of the Villages in Karst Desertification Control
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School of Karst Science, State Engineering Technology Institute for Karst desertification Control, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550001, China
Submission date: 2024-10-02
Final revision date: 2024-12-15
Acceptance date: 2025-01-07
Online publication date: 2025-03-25
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Kangning Xiong   

School of Karst Science/ State Engineering Technology Institute for Karst Desertification Control, Guizhou Normal University, China
Villages are important supply sites for eco-products, and karst desertification is an important factor restricting their socio-economic development. Using the Xie G.D. modified equivalent factor table method, the eco-product values of the village ecosystems of Shijiayakou and Luoshuidong in Salaxi, a potential-slight desertification area, the village ecosystems of Youqi and Wangjiazhai in Qingzhen, a mildly-moderately desertification area, and the village ecosystems of Chaeryan and Kongluojing in the moderately-intensely desertification area of Huajiang were accounted for. The results showed that: (1) the value of eco-products from high to low is Salaxi (17,810,600 yuan) > Qingzhen (13,497,500 yuan) > Huajiang (8,831,600 yuan); (2) the value of eco-products of different service types in descending order is as follows: regulating service (35,196,700 yuan) > material provisioning service (3,023,100 yuan) > cultural service (1,191,800 yuan); (3) the highest eco-product value of different land use types is forest land, followed by arable land, and the rest of the land use types have lower eco-product values; (4) the average density of eco-product values of watersheds, forest land, grassland, arable land, and unutilized land is 553,000 yuan/ha, 128,000 yuan/ha, 78,000 yuan/ha, 28,000 yuan/ha and 751 yuan/ha, and there are obvious differences between villages with different levels of karst desertification control, with spatial heterogeneity.
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