Passive Smoking as a Risk Factor for Upper
Respiratory Tract Colonization by Haemophilus influenzae in Healthy Pre-School Children
Urszula Kosikowska, Izabela Korona-Glowniak, Anna Malm
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Department of Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Medical University of Lublin,
Chodźki 1, 20-093 Lublin, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2011;20(6):1541-1545
A total of 1,035 swabs from 345 healthy pre-school children - 268 attending day care centers (DCC
group) and 77 staying at home were taken. The statistically significant difference in Haemophilus influenzae
colonization was observed among children exposed and unexposed to tobacco smoke in the total population
(p=0.042) and in the DCC group (p=0.034). H. influenzae prevalence among passive smoking children prone
to recurrent respiratory infections was higher compared to unexposed children in the total population
(p=0.084) or in DCC group (p=0.032). This suggests that passive smoking and attending DCC may predispose
H. influenzae colonization of the upper respiratory tract in pre-school children.