Organic Compounds Fractionation for Domestic
Wastewater Treatment Modeling
Małgorzata Makowska, Marcin Spychała
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Department of Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineering, Poznan University of Life Sciences,
Piątkowska 94A, 60-649 Poznań, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2014;23(1):131-137
Organic compounds in domestic wastewater have a highly differentiated composition, which depends
on the source of wastewater. Detailed fractionation of organic pollutants is indispensible to determine their
transformation during treatment processes. Mathematical modeling requires the division of organic compounds
in wastewater into the fractions: dissolved, suspended, biodegradable, and unbiodegradable. It is possible
to determine the content of fractions based on BOD5, COD, and reaction rate coefficients.
In this work, fractions of organic pollutants in wastewater, originating from small sources and treated in
small treatment plants (0.66-22.00 m3/d), were identified. For comparison, fractions of organic pollutants in a
medium municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) of 4,000 m3/d capacity have been determined.
It was found that the wastewater from small sources and households differ in composition from typical
municipal sewage. They are characterized by higher contents of dissolved and suspended biodegradable fractions.
A similar result was found for septic tank effluent. The high content of biodegradable compounds and
relatively large reaction rate coefficients positively affect the efficiency of pollutant removal.