Occurrence of Unio Crassus (Bivalvia, Unionidae) Depending on Water Chemistry in the Foreland of the Polish Carpathians
M. Hus1, M. Śmiałek1, K. Zając2, T. Zając2
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1Higher Vocational School in Tarnów, ul. Mickiewicza 8, 33-100 Tarnów, Poland
2Institute of Nature Conservation of Polish Academy of Sciences, Al. Mickiewicza 33, 31-120 Kraków, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2006;15(1):169-172
Thick shelled river mussel Unio crassus (included in IUCN Red Data List) is a benthic, filter-feeding animal very susceptible to any changes of water chemistry. In this paper we report on the new sites of this species in the Małopolska region – an area of strong anthropogenic pressure. Physical and chemical parameters have been compared between 8 rivers inhabited and not inhabited by the mussel. Results indicate that despite economic development of the region, it retains clear rivers; however, subtle differences in water chemistry can influence the occurrence of this endangered species.
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