Morphological Variability of Cardaminopsis
halleri (L.) HAYEK Populations from Areas
Differing in Anthropopressure Level
I. Franiel, B. Fiałkiewicz
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Department of Ecology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection,
University of Silesia, Bankowa 9, 40-007 Katowice, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2007;16(5):677-683
Twelve morphometric variables of Cardaminopsis halleri individuals from four sites in Upper Silesia province
were analyzed to establish the pattern of interpopulational relations. Two hundred plants were collected from two
very polluted areas (near zinc-lead and zinc smelters) as well as from two other sites in unpolluted areas within the
same bioclimatic region. Stem size, dimensions of leaves and rosettes, as well as flower and seed numbers and individual
dry weights were studied using standard biometric methods. Cluster analysis indicated overall differences
among populations. Those four populations are different with respect to all variables. Discriminant function analysis
confirmed seed number as the most important variable in the evaluation of interpopulational variability.