Microbial Air Contamination in Poultry
Houses in the Summer and Winter
Anna Wójcik, Łukasz Chorąży, Tomasz Mituniewicz, Dorota Witkowska,
Krystyna Iwańczuk-Czernik, Janina Sowińska
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Department of Animal and Environmental Hygiene, Faculty of Animal Bioengineering,
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Oczapowskiego 5, 10-718 Olsztyn, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2010;19(5):1045-1050
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the degree of microbial air contamination in three laboratory
rooms designed for raising broiler chickens under identical conditions, in the summer and winter. It was
found that in identical poultry houses and under identical management conditions, certain differences can be
observed with regard to temperature and humidity parameters and the degree of microbial air contamination,
both in the summer and winter. The concentrations of aerobic mesophilic bacteria and fungi were higher in the
winter than in the summer in all rooms. Various levels of microbial air contamination had no effect on broiler
production results.