Leaching Behavior of Heavy Metals
in Coal Gasification Residuals
Jialin Liu, Haibin He, Yumo Chen, Xueting Sun,
Jiaxing Zheng, Shasha Yang, Jianli Jia
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School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology,
Beijing 100083, China
Submission date: 2017-01-19
Final revision date: 2017-03-09
Acceptance date: 2017-03-12
Online publication date: 2017-09-11
Publication date: 2017-09-28
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2017;26(5):2067-2073
The system of dynamic leaching was designed for samples of a coal gasification residual from a coalto-
methanol plant in northwestern China in order to investigate the leaching behavior of four potentially
hazardous elements – Hg, Cr, As, and Pb – in the coal gasification residual and investigate the impacts of
the leaching time, size of the samples, and pH of the leaching solution on the leaching behavior of elements.
The concentrations of elements in the leachate samples were all determined by inductively coupled plasmamass
atomic spectrometry (ICP-MS). The results showed that the leaching time, size of the samples, and pH
of the leaching solution played an important role in affecting the leaching behavior of the selected elements
from the coal residual samples. All trends were in decreasing order of significance as the leaching time
went on and most leached concentrations reached the maximum at the initial stage of leaching experiments
(from hours 0 to 4) accounting for 94.44%. The 80-mesh sample had the different leaching curve from the
10-mesh and 40-mesh samples for the same element because different forms of the heavy metals existed on
the different-size samples.