Influencing Factors and Path Analysis of Regional Green Logistics Implementation: An Empirical Analysis Based on TOE Theoretical Framework
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School of Chemical Equipment, Shenyang University of Technology, Liaoyang, 111003, Liaoning, P.R. China
Processing Department, Shengu Group Co. LTD, Shenyang, 110027, Liaoning, P.R. China
Submission date: 2024-04-23
Final revision date: 2024-05-22
Acceptance date: 2024-06-21
Online publication date: 2024-09-16
Corresponding author
Yida Liu   

School of Chemical Equipment, Shenyang University of Technology, 100190, Liaoyang, China
With carbon emissions from the logistics industry posing a significant challenge, there’s growing attention on sustainable development and low-carbon initiatives. Drawing from the TOE theoretical framework, this study delves into the various factors influencing green logistics across different regions in China, analyzing data from 30 Chinese provinces and cities. Utilizing the fsQCA method, this paper examine the combined effects of Innovation Progress, Information Advancement, Government Support, Economic Environment, Social Environment, and Ecological Environment to uncover the complex mechanisms shaping regional logistics development with a focus on green and sustainability. Our findings reveal several key insights: Firstly, no single factor stands alone as a prerequisite; rather, it’s the interplay of multiple factors that drives the development of regional green logistics. Secondly, pathways to high levels of regional green logistics can be categorized into two types: those driven by technology and environment, and those centered solely on technology. Thirdly, technology emerges as a crucial catalyst for fostering high-level development across diverse regions. Lastly, there exist disparities in green logistics across different areas of China, highlighting the need for coordinated development strategies tailored to each region’s unique characteristics. These discoveries contribute to the understanding of regional studies and sustainable development by shedding light on the intricate mechanisms behind the advancement of regional green logistics. They offer valuable insights for regions with nascent green logistics systems and for developing countries striving for environmentally friendly, high-quality development.
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