Influence Ventilation V Rate on Ammonia
Concentration and Emission in Animal House
B. Kavolelis*
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Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Raudondvaris, LT - 4320 Kaunas, Lithuania
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2003;12(6):709-712
The mathematical model to analyze ammonia concentrations inside lifestock facilities has been made.
The regression relationship of the intensity of the ammonia evaporation in the pigsty for the farrowing sows
and their piglets has been determined. When the surface of the concrete floor of the stall is uneven and there
is a manure layer of 0.5-1.0 cm thickness, the ammonia concentration in the pigsties of sows with piglets
exceeds the upper permissible limit (20 ppm). When the relative humidity of the air is normal and the
ammonia concentration exceeds the permissible limit, it should be reduced by technical and zoohygienic
means ( by carefully cleaning the floor surface). This lowers the ammonia concentration from 25 ppm to
10-15 ppm, and its emission.