How Chromium-Resistant Bacteria Can Improve
Corn Growth in Chromium-Contaminated
Growing Medium
Hadia-e-Fatima, Ambreen Ahmed
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Department of Botany, University of the Punjab, Quaid-e-Azam Campus,
Lahore 54590, Pakistan
Submission date: 2016-02-16
Final revision date: 2016-05-20
Acceptance date: 2016-05-21
Publication date: 2016-11-24
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2016;25(6):2357-2365
Chromium is a heavy metal found in various oxidation states (Cr3+ to Cr6+). It is a highly toxic metal
widely used in a number of industries and is generally found to have a carcinogenic impact on living
organisms. Although there are chemical and biological approaches for reducing chromium toxicity in
the environment, in industrial areas green cover is largely affected by this metal contamination through
plant growth retardation. To reduce these toxic effects, some auxin-producing bacterial species living in
the rhizosphere have proven to be effective in reducing toxic hexavalent chromium [Cr (VI)] into a less
toxic state, i.e., trivalent chromium [Cr (III)]. The present study reveals the potential of chromium-resistant
auxin-producing bacteria for bioremediation. For this purpose, plant growth-promoting bacteria that
are capable of growing in the presence of chromium were isolated from different industrial areas. The
impact of isolated strains on reducing the toxic effects of chromium was analyzed by comparing different
growth parameters of inoculated and non-inoculated treatments of Zea mays in the presence and absence
of chromium stress. Increments in shoot length of the treated plants was noted up to 23% due
to bacterial inoculation with Halomonas sp. (AST) under chromium stress of 1,000 μg/ml (K2CrO4) as
compared to control. Similarly amount of auxin produced in the treated corn plants was improved up to
161% in treatments with Bacillus cereus (3a) over respective control. These findings suggest that the above
mentioned chromium-resistant auxin-producing bacterial isolates can serve as an ecofriendly tool to improve
crop production in soils contaminated with chromium.