Grasses (Poaceae) in Riparian Vegetation
of Watercourses in Agriculture Landscape
M. Szymura1, T. Szymura2, A. Dunajski2, K. Wolski1
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1Department of Grassland and Landscape Planning, University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland
2Ecological Station, Institute of Plant Biology, Wroclaw University, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2009;18(6):1217-1223
A quantitative analysis of grasses (Poaceae family) growing in vegetation alongside watercourses in
rural regions of Poland’ Odra Valley was undertaken. The quantity of a given species was calculated by multiplying
the length of sections of the watercourse by the percentage coverage of this species. In total, 134 km
of watercourses were analyzed. Among the 164 plant species found, 22% were grass species. Its quantitative
participation was 39%. The most abundant species was Calamgrostis epigejos followed by Phragmites australis.
Analysis of phytosociological affinity revealed the importance of the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class and
a considerable amount of species from Querco-Fagetea. The majority of grass species were apophytes; only
12% were antropophyte. The dominance of native species, which form specific semi-natural assemblages in
human-disturbed habitat, highlighted the function of riparian vegetation in maintaining biodiversity as well as
ecosystemal services in modern agricultural landscapes.