Geomatics-Based Soil Mapping and Degradation
Risk Assessment of Nile Delta Soils
Ahmed A. El Baroudy
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Soil and Water Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Tanta University, 31527 Tanta, Egypt
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2010;19(6):1123-1131
The aim of this study is to apply the powerful capabilities of advanced remote sensing (RS) and geographic
information system (GIS) techniques to identify the geomorphological units and degradation risk
assessment of some soils east of the Nile Delta. Landsat ETM images and digital elevation model (DEM) were
used to produce the physiographic map of the studied area at the landform level. The obtained map showed
that the area comprised three distinct landscapes: coastal, flood and Aeolian plains, plus the urban area and
water bodies. The major landforms of the studied area were described as clay flats, gypsiferrous flats, recent
river terraces, decantation basins, overflow basins, old river terraces, turtle back, sand flats, and sand sheets.
The study also demonstrated that the salinization, sodication, and physical degradation of the studied area were
about 14.82, 35.86, and 83.04%, respectively. The hazard types were defined as low, moderate, high, and very
high. The obtained data showed also that salinity, alkalinity, and water logging are the main encountered degradation
hazard. These results were a great help and served as basic sources for the planners and decision makers
in sustainable planning.