Fungi and Straminipilous Organisms Found
in Ponds in Białystok
A. Godlewska, B. Kiziewicz, E. Muszyńska, B. Mazalska
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Department of General Biology, Medical University, Jana Kilińskiego 1, 15-089 Białystok, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2009;18(3):369-376
Our study involved the quantitative analysis of species composition of fungi and straminipilous organisms
in four ponds situated in Białystok, Poland. The observations performed in April and November 2006
with respect to hydrochemical conditions revealed the occurrence of 48 species, including 9 fungi and 39
straminipilous organisms. Among species of fungi and straminipilous organisms, we found such pathogens of
crustaceans and fish as Achlya dubia, Ac. oblongata, Ac. polyandra, Aphanomyces bosminae, Ap. laevis,
Dictychus monosporus, Pythium jirovecii, Py. undulatum, Saprolegnia ferax, S. parasitica, S. pseudocrustosa
and Thraustotheca clavata. The human pathogens Aspergillus niger, Candida tropicalis and Catenophlyctis
variabilis as well as plant pathogens Pythium butleri and Py. debaryanum were also found. Such phytosaprophytes
as Achlya klebsiana, Karlingia rosea, Nowakowskiella elegans, N. macrospora, Pythium akanense, Py.
aquatile, Py. elongatum, Py. inflatum and Py. intermedium were relatively common.
Most species of fungi and straminipilous organisms were found to grow in Dojlidy Pond (27), the fewest
in Akcent Pond (14). The hydrochemical analysis of water showed that Dojlidy was the least burdened with
organic matter, whereas Akcent was the most abundant in biogenic compounds.