Functioning of Ectomycorrhizae and Soil Microfungi
in Deciduous Forests Situated Along a Pollution
Gradient Next to a Fertilizer Factory
D. Stankevičiene*, D. Pečiulyte
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Institute of Botany, Žaliuju ežeru 49, LT-2021 Vilnius, Lithuania
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2004;13(6):715-721
Ectomycorrhizae (ECM) and soil microfungi were studied in soil cores from seven unequally polluted
forest plots spaced at different distances from a fertilizer factory in Lithuania. The abundance of ECM roots
and soil microfungi was visibly different in separate investigation plots. Average amount of ECM root tips
during the investigation period (2000-2002) in different forests was from 134 to 1017 tips /100 cm3 of soil
and the length of ECM roots was from 12.2 to 79.8 cm/100 cm3. The concentration of viable soil fungi
revealed during the investigation varied from 1.5 to 566.6 thousands CFU/ g d.w. soil. The forest farthest
from the factory exhibited the highest abundance of ECM and diversity of ectomycorrhizal morphotypes,
while the abundance of soil microfungi was lowest. The lowest diversity of ECM morphotypes was determined
in forests characterized by the highest concentration of heavy metals, nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus)
and the highest microfungal abundance was in forests with the highest concentration of nutrients.