Factors Differentiating the Habitats Occupied by Phytocoenoses of Phragmitetum Communis (Gams 1927) Schmale 1939 in Lakes of Wielkopolska Region
M. Pełechaty*, L. Burchardt*, J. Siepak**
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*Department of Hydrobiology, Adam Mickiewicz University,
Marcelińska 4, 60-801 Poznań
**Department of Water and Soil Analysis, Adam Mickiewicz University,
Drzymały 24, 60-613 Poznań
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2000;9(5):409-417
In the summer seasons of the years 1996-1998 habitat studies of 60 phytocoenoses of Phragmitetum communis in 30 lakes of Wielkopolska region were carried out. The aim of the study was a comparison of two groups of phytocoenoses exposed to different effects of wind (and waves) and two other groups subjected to a different degree of anthropopressure in respect to 28 properties of water and 23 properties of substrate. Results were expected to answer the question whether the phytocoenoses of this community reveal an internal ecological variability (habitat and floristic) in the local scale as well as to determine which of the two factors has a more important differentiating effect on the phytocoenoses and their habitats.