Extraction and Leaching of Heavy Metals
from Thermal Power Plant Fly Ash
and Its Admixtures
Dhananjay Bhaskar Sarode, Ramanand Niwratti Jadhav,
Vasimshaikh Ayubshaikh Khatik, Sopan Tukaram Ingle, Sanjay Baliram Attarde
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School of Environmental and Earth Sciences, North Maharashtra University,
Post Box 80, Umavi Nagar, Jalgaon- 425 001 (M.S), India
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2010;19(6):1325-1330
The leachability of heavy metals from fly ash, bottom ash, dumping site ash, cement, and brick samples
admixtured with fly ash in the area of a thermal power plant were compared. During these studies, extraction
and leaching of various heavy metals like Zn, Ni, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn, Mg, and Cd was carried out by applying
batch leach test and toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) to check the possibility of ground water
contamination. The ground water samples in the vicinity of ash dumping sites were also analyzed for heavy
metal concentrations and results obtained were compared with Indian and WHO permissible limits.
Mg, Mn, and Fe were leached to a larger Zn, Cu, and Pb to moderate, and Ni to a smaller extent, from
the ash and admixtured samples. Cd was not leached at all from any sample in batch leach as well as TCLP
tests. The concentrations of Zn, Fe, Mn, Mg, and Cd in groundwater samples were below the permissible limits
of WHO and Indian standards. The concentrations of Ni and Pb were slightly higher than WHO permissible
limits but below the Indian standards. The concentration of Cu was within the WHO permissible limits but
slightly higher than Indian Standards. The admixturing of thermal power plant fly ash in cement and bricks
seems to be an eco-friendly practice as far as leaching of heavy metals in groundwater is concerned.