Examination of Radioactive Contaminations in the Soil-Plants System and Their Transfer to Selected Animal Tissues
S. Chibowski, A. Gladysz
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Department of Radiochemistry and Colloid Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Maria Curie Sklodowska University, Lublin, Pl. M. Curie Sklodowskiej 3, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 1999;8(1):19-23
In the paper the investigations of the gamma emitters radioactivity in the system consists of the soil and plants cultivated on it are presented. The some selected samples of tissues of the animals fed with the plants from these sites were also measured.
In soil and plants samples artificial isotopes (137Cs,134Cs) as well natural - thorium and uranium series were detected. Despite the relatively high contents of the natural isotopes in plants and their seeds, their accumulation in animal tissues was not detected. The 40K isotope was that one who transfers in the chain soil-plant-animal in the highest degree. From the group of the natural isotopes, only 212Pb was detected in examined animal tissue samples. Other natural isotopes were below detection level. In the samples also the heavy metal content was examined. In any sample no element concentration was noticed above trade acceptable limit.