Evaluation of Three Soybean Genotypes under Drought Stress
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Department of Plant and Animal Production, Kocarli Vocational School, University of Aydın Adnan Menderes, 09100 Aydın, Turky
Department of Field Crops Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ege, Turkey
Submission date: 2024-05-08
Final revision date: 2024-06-13
Acceptance date: 2024-07-09
Online publication date: 2024-09-02
Corresponding author
Ilkay Yavas   

Department of Plant and Animal Production, Kocarli Vocational School, University of Aydın Adnan Menderes, 09100 Aydın, Turky
Drought stress significantly affects the growth and yield of soybeans. For this reason, this study was carried out to determine the drought tolerance of soybean genotypes in terms of growth characteristics and grain yield under conditions where water is limited in the field. This research used a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications in 2020 and 2021. The first factor, soybean variety, consists of 3 genotypes: Umut 2002, Cinsoy, and Arısoy. Factor 2 is the drought stress condition: well-watered (control) and drought stress. Drought stress was applied by keeping the soil moisture, which was monitored via soil moisture sensors, at 50% field capacity. On a yearly basis, the effect on the examined traits was insignificant, and a significant water treatment genotype interaction was observed in terms of plant height, relative water content, and grain yield. According to the results, the yield of varieties in 2020 and 2021 varied from 1583.5-1764.0 kg.ha-1 and 1026.7-1458.2 kg.ha-1, respectively. Among the genotypes, Umut 2002 showed greater drought tolerance with a higher yield and relative chlorophyll content under drought conditions in terms of the two-year average. Therefore, it is recommended that soybeans be grown in a moderately drought-affected environment.
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