Estimation of Biomass Amount and Sorption Capacity for Technological Control of the Biosorption Process
V. Racys1, I. Valunas1, M. Dapkiene2
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1Kaunas University of Technology, Radvilenu pl. 19, LT-50254, Kaunas, Lithuania
2Lithuanian University of Agriculture. Studentu 11, LT-53361, Akademija, Kaunas district, Lithuania
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2006;15(2):311-316
The paper describes two modified methods to determine the main parameters of the biosorption system. One of them - biomass amount, is an important technological parameter that is needed for technological calculations of the equipment, for the evaluation of oxidation potential and biomass growth in accordance with decomposed pollutants, etc. Typically, VSS (volatile suspended solids) are used as a measure of microorganisms, but accurate evaluation of the organic part of biomass on the sorbent surface is complicated. Thermal investigation methods are based on different sorbent and biomass burning temperatures and the obtained results are suitable for biosorption process control.
Another important parameter is sorption capacity of the sorbent used in the process. The theoretical adsorption capacity of the activated carbon is usually estimated for a particular contaminant. The method, which in this case involves use of oil products, has been modified for the purpose of evaluation of this parameter. Quantitative analysis of oil products is quite complicated and time consuming. Therefore a colored and stable organic compound of large molecular size has been chosen. Concentration of this compound in spirit solution has been quickly and exactly estimated with a photoelectrocolorimeter.