Effect of Water Stress Through Skipped Irrigation
on Growth and Yield of Wheat
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Department of Agronomy, The University of Haripur, Haripur, Pakistan
Department of Soil and Climate Sciences, The University of Haripur, Haripur, Pakistan
Department of Environmental Sciences, COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad 22060, Pakistan
Submission date: 2021-05-04
Final revision date: 2021-05-27
Acceptance date: 2021-06-23
Online publication date: 2021-11-22
Publication date: 2022-01-28
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2022;31(1):713-721
Wheat cultivars displaying water stress tolerance traits are highly desirable for water scarce regions
of Pakistan. To achieve this aim, a 2-years field research experiment was undertaken to assess the
outcome of water stress on physiological and agronomic traits at different growth stages in selected
wheat cultivars. The experiment comprised evaluation of five wheat cultivars viz., Atta Habibb-2010,
Siran-2008, Pirsabak-2008, Hashim-2008 and Pirsabak-2005 under water stress by skipped irrigation
at each of the following growth stages: crown root initiation (CRI), tillering stage, pre-anthesis and
milk stages, compared with well-watered treatment. Data of tillers number, 1000 grain weight, grain
yield, drought susceptibility index and drought tolerance efficiency were evaluated. The two years data
revealed significant impact of water stress on growth, physiological and yield traits of wheat, and preanthesis
stage was found as most sensitive to water deficiency. For water stress at CRI, Pirsabak-2005
produced higher yield than the rest of the cultivars. Hashim-2008 followed by Pirsabak-2008 produced
higher grain yield than rest under water stress at pre-anthesis stage; whereas water deficit at this stage
adversely affected the performance of cv. Atta Habib, Hashim-2008 and Pirsabak-2008. Pirsabak-2005,
Hashim-2008 and Pirsabak-2008 may be utilized as breeding material for development of local water
stress tolerant wheat varieties.