Effect of Sweep Frequency Electromagnetic
Field on CaCO3 Scale Formation in Industrial
Circulating Water
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Institute of Climate and Energy Sustainable Development, Qingdao University of Science and Technology,
No. 99 Songling Road, Qingdao 266061, China
Submission date: 2022-03-21
Final revision date: 2022-08-03
Acceptance date: 2022-09-06
Online publication date: 2022-11-22
Publication date: 2022-12-21
Corresponding author
Qiang Li
Qingdao University of Science and Technology, China
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2023;32(1):145-153
Electromagnetic field (EMF) treatment has demonstrated its superior efficiency and great potential
in inhibiting scale formation in industrial plants. Despite the numerous studies focusing on improving
the performance of EMF devices, there is still limited understanding of how the frequency affects the
anti-scaling process. This problem restricts the development and optimization of the sweep frequency
EMF technique, which is assumed to have a better anti-scale performance. In this work, experimental
studies were performed to study the effect of the sweep frequency EMF on the precipitation of CaCO3
under circulating flow conditions. The results showed that the sweep frequency EMF could stimulate
the homogeneous crystallization of CaCO3 in the simulated hard water solution, and the direct reaction
between Ca2+ and HCO3- was the primary reaction route. The sweep frequency had a more pronounced
effect on the scale formation process than the output current of the EMF device. The sweep frequency
value was inversely correlated with the scale formation. The effect mechanism of sweep frequency on
the scale formation process was discussed.