Effect of Oxafun T Seed Dressing on Bacteria in Rhizosphere and non-Rhizosphere Soil
H. Kaszubiak, G. Durska
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Department of Agricultural Microbiology, A.Cieszkowski University of Agriculture, Wołyńska 35, 60-636 Poznań, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2000;9(5):397-401
On plots under barley culture from seeds treated and untreated with the fungicidal preparation Oxafun T, the total numbers of oligotrophic and copiotrophic bvacteria, as well as the numbers methylotrophic and Pseudomonas bacteria, were determined in rhizosphere and in non-rhizosphere soil. It has been found that in non-rhizosphere soil the application of the seed dressing did not significantly change the mean number of the studied bacteria for the period of barley culture. It, however, contributed to proliferation of these microorganisms in rhizosphere zone. Rhizosphere effect of barley was increased to the degree dependent on the group of determined bacteria.