Effect of 4-Hydroxyphenethyl Alcohol on Growth
and Adaptive Potential of Barley Plants
under Optimal and Soil Flooding Conditions
Tamara Balakhnina1, Teresa Włodarczyk2, Aneta Borkowska2, Magdalena Nosalewicz2,
Olga Serdyuk1, Lidia Smolygina1, Elena Ivanova1, Irina Fomina1,3
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1Institute of Basic Biological Problems, Russian Academy of Science (RAS),
142290 Pushchino, Moscow Region, Russia
2Institute of Agrophysics, PAS,
Doświadczalna 4, 20-290 Lublin, Poland
3Biosphere Systems International Foundation,
Tucson, Arizona 85755, USA
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2010;19(3):565-572
Barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. "Rudzik") seeds were soaked in aqueous 10-6 M 4-hydroxyphenethyl
alcohol (4-HPEA) to estimate its influence on seed germination, growth of seedlings, and their adaptive
potential under soil flooding conditions. The adaptive potential of the plants was estimated by the concentration
of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARs) and the activity of guaiacol-dependent peroxidase
(GPX). It was shown that the 4-HPEA had a stimulatory action on seed germination, shoot and root growth,
and biomass production, expressed to a greater extent in the early stage of plant development. Pre-sowing
soaking of barley seeds in aqueous 4-HPEA solution increased plant tolerance to the effect of soil flooding,