Economic Valuation of Tatras National Park
and Regional Environmental Policy
Ľ. Füzyová, D. Lániková, M. Novorolsky
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Faculty of Business Management, University of Economics, Dolnozemska cesta 1, Bratislava, Slovakia
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2009;18(5):811-818
This paper contains results of contingent valuation (CV) and positional analysis (PA) surveys of Tatras
National Park in Slovakia that were carried out in the summer 2007 on a sample of 627 respondents.
Willingness to pay based on an open-ended CV survey was used to determine the recreational value of the
park. The application of the PA concerning the choice of the most preferred scenario of future development
showed that residents want changes focusing on tourism and creation of more job opportunities in the ecological
economy. The implementation of the results into the regional planning and decision-making process
was proposed through the internalization of externalities into taxes, a comparison with the current economic
and social development plan, and the institutionalization of the “TANAP fund” financed by visitors´ entrance
fees, whose main function will be the conservation of the national park.