Distribution of Mercury and Other Heavy Metals
in Bottom Sediments of the Middle Odra River
L. Boszke 1*, T. Sobczyński 2, G. Głosińska 1, A. Kowalski 2, J. Siepak 2
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1 Department of Environmental Protection, Collegium Polonicum, Adam Mickiewicz University
Kościuszki 1, 69-100 Słubice, Poland
2 Department of Water and Soil Analysis, Faculty of Chemistry, Adam Mickiewicz University,
Drzymaly 24, 60-613 Poznań, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2004;13(5):495-502
he Odra is the second largest river in Poland, running from the Czech Republic through a large part of
Poland before entering the Baltic Sea. Its catchment area has been heavily polluted by anthropogenic emissions.
Our data document an intensive anthropogenic impact on the abundance of heavy metals in bottom
sediments of the middle part of the Odra. Normalized heavy metal concentrations in sediments and indices
of geoaccumulation (Igeo) indicate that this area is polluted by various metals, especially mercury, cadmium
and zinc. The ranges of their concentrations vary as follows: Hg 0.12-2.99 mg/kg, Cd 2.93-7.87 mg/kg, Pb
21.2-163 mg/kg, Cu 11.5-88.3 mg/kg, Zn 28.0-471 mg/kg, Cr 1.57-47.5 mg/kg, Ni 5.10-19.1 mg/kg, Fe
1493-37972 mg/kg and Mn 47.6-1242 mg/kg.