Decolourization of Sugar Beet Molasses Vinasse
by Lactic Acid Bacteria – the Effect of Yeast
Extract Dosage
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Department of Bioprocess Engineering, Wrocław University of Economics, Wrocław, Poland
Submission date: 2017-12-12
Final revision date: 2018-01-24
Acceptance date: 2018-01-28
Online publication date: 2018-08-01
Publication date: 2018-11-20
Corresponding author
Marta Wilk
Wroclaw University of Economics, ul. Komandorska 118-120, 53-345 Wrocław, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2019;28(1):385-392
Vinasse is the waste product from the production of ethanol that is most loaded with pollutants.
Known methods of treating vinasse allow for a reduction in the pollution load, but do not remove the
brown colour. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the addition of yeast extract (YE)
on the decolourization of sugar beet molasses vinasse by lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus plantarum,
L. casei, and Pediococcus parvulus). Experiments were performed in batch mode in a BioStat B bioreactor
(working volume of 2 dm3) for 72 h at 35.8ºC and pH0 of 6.5. The medium consisted of 25% v/v vinasse,
glucose (38.67 g dm-3), and different amounts of yeast extract addition (2.24, 4.48, and 8.96 g dm-3). It was
observed that an increase in the YE dose in the medium was followed by a decrease in decolourization
of the vinasse. The maximum decolourization was 28.36% (YE = 2.24 g dm-3). Regardless of the YE
amount added to the medium, removal of invert alkaline degradation products content in all experiments
was at a similar level (approx. 13%). With an increased dose of YE, an increase in the caramel content
was observed. The biggest melanoidins removal (62.3%) was found in the process with the highest YE
dose. The acrylamide, 4-methylimidazole, furfural, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, and 2-acetyl-4-(1,2,3,4)-
tetrahydroxy-butylimidazole were completely assimilated.