Concentrations of Macroelements, Zinc and Iron Ions in Water of the Upper Narew Basin, NE Poland
Mirosław Skorbiłowicz
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Department of Engineering and Technology in Environmental Protection, Technical University of Białystok, Wiejska 45 A, 15-351 Białystok, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2010;19(2):397-405
The purpose of present research was to evaluate the dynamics of concentration changes of macroelements as well as iron and zinc ions in the upper Narew River catchment (northeastern Poand). The following rivers and streams were selected: Narew, Supraśl, Horodnianka, Ruda, Małynka, Łoknica, and Rudnia. Calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron and zinc analyses were made using the flame AAS method. A gradual increase of macroelement contents in Narew water was found, which was the consequence of water supplies and surface runoffs. Our study revealed the differentiation of macroelements, iron and zinc concentrations in water of the upper Narew River, depending on the catchment character as well as spatial distribution of their point sources.