Comprehensive Effectiveness Evaluation of Constructing a Multi-Objective Sponge Campus
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Department of Landscape Architecture, Dong-a University, Busan, 49315, Korea
Submission date: 2023-12-21
Final revision date: 2024-02-05
Acceptance date: 2024-03-18
Online publication date: 2024-07-15
Publication date: 2025-01-02
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Gwon-Soo Bahn   

Department of Landscape Architecture, Dong-a University, Busan, 49315, Korea
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2025;34(1):415-430
A sponge campus aims to improve the overall effectiveness of the stormwater system of campus through the use of low-impact development (LID) measures to cope with climate extremes, heavy rainfall, and flooding. This study endeavors to assist companies and organizations in addressing issues such as evaluating the effectiveness of LID measures in sponge campuses to confirm the soundness of sponge solutions. To accomplish the goal, this study employs a methodology to assess the effectiveness of LID measures by constructing five objectives (total annual runoff control rate, runoff pollutant reduction rate, flood flow control, peak present time extension, and stormwater utilization system) and finally verifies the validity of this methodology through real examples. The results of the study demonstrate that the Sponge campus program is reasonable and meets the requirements for Sponge City construction in the area. After implementing LID measures, the total annual runoff control rate reaches 81.5%, the reduction rate of runoff pollutants (SS) exceeds 65%, the flood peak flow is reduced by more than 30%, and the peak moment of the flow at the outfall is extended by 4-6 minutes. The campus can effectively alleviate urban flooding problems by rationally configuring the LID measures and constructing a sustainable stormwater management system with a multi-objective orientation. This also improves the efficiency of stormwater resource utilization. The contribution of this study lies in providing valuable methods and insights for understanding and evaluating the effectiveness of LID measures. It also provides a certain reference for engineers and planners engaged in the field, which is crucial for the future construction of Sponge City.
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