Comparison of Vitamin C and β-Carotene
in Cruciferous Vegetables Grown in Diversified
Ecological Conditions
Joanna Kapusta-Duch, Teresa Leszczyńska
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Department of Human Nutrition, Agricultural University of Kraków,
Balicka 122, 30-149 Kraków, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2013;22(1):167-173
The aim of this study was to compare vitamin C and β-carotene contents in cruciferous vegetables
(Brassica oleracea) grown under diversified ecological conditions for three consecutive years. The hypothesis
to be verified was that statistically, vitamin C and β-carotene contents in cruciferous vegetables from the
closest areas around a steelworks, organic farms, and randomly purchased in retail differed significantly, independent
of the climate and agro-technical conditions. The study was done on three species of cruciferous vegetables:
‘Stone head’ white cabbage, ‘Langedijker’ red cabbage, and ‘Dolores F1’ Brussels sprouts. All these
species of cruciferous vegetables were characterized by significantly higher vitamin C and β-carotene contents
(Brussels sprouts) when grown on organic farms vis-à-vis vegetables grown around a steelworks or available
in retail in Kraków, which may be evidence of efficient organic growing technology, and may indicate another
way to improve the quality of food.