Comparison of Copper and Zinc Sorption
Depending on Temperature and Sorbents
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Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Sciences,
Technical University in Zvolen, T. G. Masaryka 24, 96053 Zvolen, Slovakia
UNESCO Department, Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Technical University in Zvolen,
T. G. Masaryka 24, 96053 Zvolen, Slovakia
Submission date: 2023-06-10
Final revision date: 2023-09-11
Acceptance date: 2023-10-01
Online publication date: 2024-01-03
Publication date: 2024-02-28
Corresponding author
Juraj Poništ
Department of Environmental Engineering, Technical University in Zvolen, Slovak Republic
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2024;33(3):2241-2254
In this paper, we compared the sorption of copper and zinc on three adsorbents - bentonite, zeolite,
and dewatered digested sludge from a wastewater treatment plant. Sorption was carried out at 27ºC
and subsequently at a reduced temperature of 10ºC and the results were compared. The reduced
temperature positively affected the sorption efficiency and increased the adsorption capacity of
the monolayer of each sorbent. Regardless of the temperature, the sorption progression was not linear.
In the initial phase, the sorption proceeded rapidly, but after about 90 min the system reached
equilibrium and the concentrations of metals in solution did not change significantly. The size of
the specific surface area of the sorbents did not directly correlate with the removal efficiency of Cu2+
and Zn2+. Copper sorption by bentonite reached a level of almost 100% at reduced temperature and
80% at room temperature. The efficiency of zinc removal by bentonite was found to be 40% at reduced
temperature. The efficiency of copper removal using zeolite was approximately 90% at both laboratory
and reduced temperature. For bentonite and zeolite, we confirmed their good sorption properties.
The sludge showed low Cu2+ sorption efficiency, but Zn2+ removal efficiency was higher than bentonite
and zeolite. In both cases, the reduced temperature had a positive effect on the sorption capacity of the
sludge. Sludge as a waste material could be used for heavy metal removal by modifying the sorption
conditions or its modifying, which should be further investigated.