Chemical Transformations in to Podzolic soils Induced by Alkaline and Acidic Emissions in the Świętokrzyski Region of Poland.
A. Świercz
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Department of Management and Environmental Protection, Świętokrzyska Academy,Świętokrzyska 15, 25-406 Kielce, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2008;17(1):129-138
The present study compares properties of podzolic soils developed from sandy materials overgrown by forests, affected either by alkalizing or acidifying emissions. The study entailed sampling 4 pedons in the vicinity of the Ożarów Cement Plant S.A. and 4 pedons near Rudniki village (within the impact zone of “Osiek” Sulphur Mine and Połaniec Power Plant). Soil samples were analyzed for basic chemicalproperties.The study showed significant changes in physicochemical properties of the alkalized podzolic soils: an increase in pH value, in base saturation of the exchange complex, contents of plant available potassium and magnesium, CaCO3 content in organic and humic horizons and in salinity, and a decrease in organic carbon content and hydrolytic acidity, podzolic soils occurring in areas affected by anthropogenic acidification were characterized by decreased pH value, increased total sulphur and sulfate (S-SO4) contents, increased hydrolytic and exchangeable acidity, and lowered base saturation of the exchange complex.
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