Characterization of Bottom Ashes
from Incineration of Different Compositions
of Municipal Solid Wastes: Implications
for its Valorization as a Cementitious Material
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Laboratory of Plant Chemistry, Water and Energy, Faculty of Technology, Hassiba Ben Bouali University,
BP 151, Hay Essalem, 02000 Chlef, Algeria
Laboratory of Water and Environment, Faculty of Technology, Hassiba Ben Bouali University,
BP 151, Hay Essalem, 02000 Chlef, Algeria
The Thematic Agency for Research in Science and Technology (TARST). Avenue Pasteur, ENSA Ex INA,
Belfort, B.P 62- Hacene Badi, El Harrach, 16000 Algiers, Algeria
Laboratory E2LIM, University of Limoges. 123 Street Albert Thomas, 87060 Limoges, France
Submission date: 2024-04-28
Final revision date: 2024-09-30
Acceptance date: 2024-11-14
Online publication date: 2025-01-27
Corresponding author
Yamina Rezkallah
Laboratory of Plant Chemistry, Water and Energy, Faculty of Technology, Hassiba Ben Bouali University,
BP 151, Hay Essalem, 02000 Chlef, Algeria
Currently, in Chlef (Algeria), Municipal solid wastes (MSWs) are treated by landfill. This work
proposes the incineration of MSWs, with the bottom ash (BA) generated being used in cement
manufacturing. This treatment is a promising way to achieve a circular economy and reduce
the environmental impact of MSWs in Chlef and Algeria. This research focused on two major goals.
First, it studied the influence of the raw composition of MSWs incinerated on the characteristics of
BAs generated. Second, it investigated the recycling of BAs as supplementary cementitious material
(SCM). To achieve the above objectives, one tonne of MSWs and 500 kg of organic MSWs generated
in the City of Chlef (Algeria) were incinerated in a rotary kiln, and a part of the ordinary Portland cement
(OPC) was replaced by 0 wt%, 5 wt%, 10 wt%, and 20 wt% of the two types of the generated BAs.
The results show that the oxides and heavy metal contents were not similar in both BAs. The incorporation
of both BAs into cement results in an increase in water demand for normal consistency. The results
indicate that the soundness values of all the cement pastes are less than 10 mm. From the results, it
is important to mention that there was a delay in the initial setting time for cement prepared with BA
from the incineration of one tonne of MSW. Both BAs adversely affected strength at a replacement level
of 20 wt%. However, the results also show that both BAs are beneficial when used as SCMs at replacement levels of 5 wt% and 10 wt%, as the physical and mechanical properties of the blended
types of cement remain comparable to those of OPC.