Characteristics of Hydrogen and Oxygen
Stable Isotopes in Six Monsoon-Affected Cities
in South China
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No. 205 Geological Team, Chongqing Bureau of Geology and Minerals Exploration, Chongqing 402160, China
State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610065, China
School of Finance and Economics, Qinghai University, Xining 810016, China
Submission date: 2021-04-02
Final revision date: 2021-05-25
Acceptance date: 2021-05-25
Online publication date: 2021-10-20
Publication date: 2021-12-23
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2022;31(1):367-375
Hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes are useful tracers for water cycle at local, regional and global
scales. In monsoon climate zone, hydrogen and oxygen isotopes show different spatial distribution due
to the influence of water vapor source, transport path and local meteorological factors. Based on the
isotope data of precipitation and meteorological records in GNIP data set, this study investigated the
temporal and spatial variation laws and influencing factors of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in six cities
in south China from 1987 to 1992 under the control of monsoon. The results show that the seasonal
fluctuation of precipitation isotope in regions with single water source is slighter than those in regions
with complex source. The synchronous seasonal variation of precipitation and temperature leads to
the “temperature effect” of isotopes being masked. Water vapor source plays a leading role in isotope
concentration, and its driving force for isotope change takes precedence over local meteorological
factors. The local meteoric water line (LMWL) has significant differences among sites, and its slope is
positively correlated with the percentage of urban-related land use, indicating that the change of isotopic
fractionation coefficient caused by temperature and the contribution of recycled water vapor in urban
areas may cause the characteristics of LMWL deviating from those in natural conditions.