Change in the Bioavailability of the Main Macronutrients in Aluvisol of the Pre-Carpathian Region of Ukraine after Using Sewage Sludge under Energy Crops
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National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Heroiv Oborony 15, Kyiv, Ukraine
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Karpatska 15, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Submission date: 2023-08-27
Final revision date: 2023-12-08
Acceptance date: 2023-12-21
Online publication date: 2024-04-30
Publication date: 2024-06-07
Corresponding author
Yurii Voloshyn   

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 15 Karpatska, 76000, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2024;33(4):4663-4671
Studies carried out in the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine with the application of sewage sludge as fertilizer for Silphia prinosanolista showed that the use of 20-40 t/ha of fresh SS and composts based on it with cereal straw creates a different agrochemical background of alluvium, compared to the application of an equivalent norm of mineral fertilizers, and causes a change in the content of bioavailable forms of the main nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in the soil layer 0-80 cm.
Significant differences in the content of mineral and alkaline hydrolyzed nitrogen compounds in the upper layer of 0-40 cm of alluvium were established. Application of increasing (20-40 t/ha) rates of sewage sludge, as well as their composts with straw and a compensatory amount of mineral fertilizers, contributes to a reliable increase in the content of ammonium compared to the option without the application of fertilizers and the option with an equivalent dose of mineral fertilizers.
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