Can Reed Stands Be Good Indicators of
Environmental Conditions of the Lake Littoral?
A Synecological Investigation of Phragmites
australis - Dominated Phytocoenoses
M. Pełechaty
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Department of Hydrobiology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Marcelińska 4, 60-801 Poznań, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2004;13(2):177-183
A comparative analysis of three regional groups of phytocoenoses dominated by Phragmites australis
was undertaken in order to find if they reveal any interregional differentiation in the habitat (water and
substratum) conditions and if the differences are followed by floristic composition. A group of 60 phytocoenoses
studied in mesotrophic and (mostly) eutrophic lakes of midwestern Poland were compared to
two groups investigated in moderately nutrient-rich lakes of northeastern Poland (32 phytocoenoses) and
nutrient-poor lakes of northern Poland (20 phytocoenoses). Statistical analyses revealed significant habitat
differences. Although the groups of phytocoenoses were studied in different regions and different types of
water bodies, they occupied habitats poor in bioavailable forms of nutrients in water and organic matter
content and sodium in the substratum, which is inconsistent with the general opinion concerning the reed
community as indicative for the high trophy level of lakes. Floristic differences among the studied groups
of phytocoenoses are not significant in phytocoenotic terms and relate more to the type of lakes than to
established habitat differences. This might suggest that the habitat-forming power of Phragmites australis
is the main factor to influence habitat properties.