Biological Effects of Mineral Nitrogen
Fertilization on Soil Microorganisms
1. W. Barabasz1, 1. D. Albińska, 2. M. Jaśkowska, 3. J. Lipiec
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1. Dept. of Microbiology Agricultural University, Cracow, Poland
2. Professional Medical College, Przemyśl, Poland
3. Dept. of Physics Agricultural University, Cracow, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2002;11(3):193-198
The mineral fertilization of arable land positively affects an increase of the biological productivity of
various ecosystems as well as the microbial activity in soil. From the three elements N, P, K used for
fertilization ± nitrogen is one of the most important factors affecting soil fertility and productivity as well as
the growth and development of cultivated plants. The chemical studies show that high N rates of fertilization
result in the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines in soil environments. The use of mineral N resulted in
significant changes in microbiocenoses under investigated ecological condition. The decline of some beneficial
microorganisms, as well as the occurrence of carcinogenic nitrosamines in soil, were the symptoms of
changes in the environment.